Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Classical Guitar

         Classical guitar is the big member of guitar family. All the classical guitars have nylon strings, with wider necks that allow the strings to be farther apart to finger picking. Individual strings plucked with the fingernails or fingertips is the common instrumental finger technique to classic guitar. If you want to get tremolo, fluent, and rapid effects, you must practice alternation, never plucking a string with the same finger twice in a row.  Classic guitars usually don’t have a strap button on the bottom, and some of them have decorative artwork around the sound hole. Classic guitars are traditionally used to play classical and folk music, because they have a mellow sound. Since the neck is not reinforced to hold the stronger pull of the steel strings, note that it is not recommend putting steel strings onto a classical guitar.
     If you are a beginner of learning classic guitar, nylon strings are easier for the fingers because nylon strings won’t hurt your fingers, so you may be more willing to practice and continue lessons.
And classical guitar doesn't have amplifier, which makes the guitar more portable.



But the problem is, the neck of the guitar is wider, so the beginners with small hands may have difficulty fingering some chords. Also the mellow sound of the classical guitar may not match the expectations of the student who wanted to play popular music. This may affect the student's motivation to play.

 Classical guitars have different sizes and there are for different ages-
Ages 4-6          up to 3’ 9’’ tall    ¼ size (30”) guitar
Ages 3-8          3’10”- 4’5” tall     ½ size (34”) guitar
Ages 9-11         4’6”-4’11” tall      ¾ size (36”) guitar
Ages 12 and older 5’ and taller        7/8 or full size guitar

Video Time~

There is one of my favourite guitar music named Canon played by classic guitar. This music is so amazing, I like it so much! I think you will love it as well!

     Hope you enjoy!                                                                                        *^o^*
                                                Pictures from Google image
                                                                                                                         Video from YouTube

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